Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wecipe Wednesday

Camping Recipes

My favorite thing to do while we are camping is gorging on food. Everything taste better when it is under the hot sun ate in lawn chairs. :)

Smore's are an all time favorite & I have seriously found people that have never had a smore before. PEOPLE have you been hidden in a closet???

2 graham crackers
a HUNK of chocolate
a couple of toasted marshmallows

Just smash it all together & enjoy. Try not to eat to many.

My next favorite camping snack is a little different. We are a somewhat healthy family but we love sweets too. We always take fruit when we camp & it always get's ate.

Make a foil packet & cut up a banana in it. Sprinkle marshmallows & chocolate chips over & close it & throw it on the fire. Let it cook long enough for everything to melt & it is oh so yummy!!!!!

Enjoy!!-Next week: Fun kids recipes (and I actually have pics for both of those).

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