Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 ER visits in 2 weeks-Nice...

We have a regular pediatrician. But God Forbid the kids get sick during the week while they are in business. Or even better if the pediatricians office would answer/return calls in a timely manner so we wouldn't have to go to the ER.

ER visit # 1: Bug 2 weeks ago. He had been sick but not sick enough to take to the doctor. Saturday rolls around. We take the kids to a parade & he is just kind of there physically but dragging horribly. After his nap he could not quit crying & saying his mouth hurt. After much negotian I finally got him to open his mouth & low and behold his throat is full of blisters. Diagonois: Strep Throat

ER visit # 2: Tinkerbell on Sunday. She had been sick since Friday with a fever & really sluggish acting. (And remember she is only 20 months old) Me, Tinkerbell & Bug all took a nap in my bed. When we woke up her poor little heart was just racing. It was going to fast I could not get her heartrate. She was beating 3-4 beats a second. I was so scared because she had recently just had pnuemonia & that was the reason the nurses hotline had told us to go. Her heart was beating to fast for her little body. I think the ER kind of down played it a bit. They said it was just because she had a fever. She's a baby. As a parent you take NO chances. Diagnosis: Influenza type B (just the common flu) Treated with an anti viral medicine

****Along comes Monday night & Mr Bug gets out Tinkerbells prescription & somehow gets the cap off. Tinkerbell brings us an empty prescription bottle so we assume that she has chugged it. We call poison control & they said that the medicine is not fatal but it will make her sick. They said not to induce vomiting that it will make her nauseaus & she will vomit on her own. She sleeps all night but Bug is up puking all night. So apparantly he is the one that drank her prescription. Yesterday morning I brought him to work with me. I work on a computer all day & he just wanted to be held so he sat on my lap & took a nap for about an hour & then I took him to daycare. I have exhausted all of my vacation days so I cannot afford to take off unpaid. Hubby took off on Monday to keep Tinkerbell home. My daycare calls about 2 & said that he was still super sick to his stomach & had a 104 degree temp & that his tongue was brown. BROWN???? So I called his peds office & there voicemail picks up AGAIN & it says that they are having a high volume of calls so I need to leave a message & that it may take until the next business day for them to return it so off to ER we go. Mr KU works an hour away so he left work so he could meet us there.

ER visit # 3: Bug. They do the Influenza test on him & check out his tongue. They find out that since he wouldn't drink the tylenol that I had given him about 10am had just sat on his tongue & turned colors. Jeez. His Influenza test came back. Diagnosis: Influenza A which is the Swine Flu so now he is on Tamiflu but I couldn't start him until today because of him chugging it monday night. By the way his peds office called about an hour and a half later.

So now Mr. KU is off for 2 days with 2 kids basically in quarantine.

All I have to say now is that it isn't even November...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ok so I am generally a very happy person!!! I have 2 absolutely AMAZING kids. I mean these babies are my pride, my joy & my everything!!!! A wonderful house, great husband, great family, great animals & so on, lol.

So a person like me shouldn't get down in the dumps, right? Ugh stuff just keeps piling on & on & on our little family of 4. With the current state of the economy hubby & I should be so super excited that we both have amazing jobs & we are both grateful for our jobs but it seems we can never stay "ahead".
Example: We had all hospital bills paid off & life was going good. Then our computer got struck by lightening or contracted a virus so getting a new one is out of the question until at least after Christmas, then Tinkerbell had pnuemonia & was in the hospital doesn't she look miserable?????
Bug was in the hostpital with Strep throat because it was the weekend. (He won't let me take his picture.)
Apparantly we are going to ignore the wealth, & health & just go for HAPPINESS!!!!

Aghhh it feels like it is never ending. Mr KU needs new tires so that's gonna kick us for at least $400. BLAH

Now to the whole point of this rambling post. Every year I love to throw a halloween party. (Broke or not) I am HUGE on having parties. With the blogging world I have sooooooo many great ideas. And now thanks to The Polka Dot Chair I have this awesome & amazing banner to hang for decorations year after lovely year for my "gonna try to be cheap as possible but still have a blast" halloween party. :)

Thanks Polka Dot Chair!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

2 completly different subjects, 1 post

I made this last night for supper for the 2nd time. It is so super yummy!!!!!!

Here is the recipe:
2 chicken breast cut up in chunks
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 can of milk
8 oz velveeta
noodles of choice (cooked) (I switch it everytime I make it)

Cook the chicken, once it is done add the can of cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 can of milk & velveeta. Stir until the velveeta is melted & then add the noodles. It really is super yummy. It is sort of like a stroganoff but with that extra hit of velveeta. :)

Then I was lazy the rest of the night. Here I am on our couch with 4 out of our 5 animal children. :)

Duke is the brown Shih Tzu, Oscar is the orange cat, Bailey is the collie & Mollie is in the kids chair. Lily our wierd inside cat was in hiding as usual because the dogs are around.

Go check out The Polka Dot chair blog. I could seriously waste HOURS reading all her posts. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tinkerbells birthday outfit

I have been scouring the internet for dresses for Tinkerbell for her 2nd birthday. It's not until Feb but hey she's a girl & I need time to plan, lol. I am wanting to throw a polka dot party for her so I went to Joann's & found some purple polka dot material that has cupcakes on it. This material will be perfect!!!!!!

Look at how cute those cupcakes are!!!!

Another close up.

Here are my 2 inspirations. I love the fluffiness of the bottom of this dress but Tinkerbells birthday is in the winter so I think I am going to do a top with a ruffle at the bottom and pants with a ruffle at the bottom.

Here is a better inspiration picture. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit. I think I am going to do a ruffle top like this but I want thicker straps that I want to criss cross in the back. I am also going to get a 2 embroidered on the bodice.

So what to think? I think I am going to do the whole top in the purple polka dot with pink criss cross straps & a sash thing under her boobs. Then I want to do the pants in the purple polka dot with pink ruffles around the bottom. Now if I can only find someone to re-bobbin my machine...