Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trash to Treasure Tuesday-Mantle Clock

Every Tuesday Kimm over at Reinvented host one of my favorite parties-Trash to Treasure!!!! I love finding something at a garage sale & fixing it to fit my household & my needs.

Last week I was having a freak me out moment thinking I was pregnant even though I have an IUD in. So I started researching statistics & found out that if I was pregnant (which I'm not) then the iud would have to be taken out immediatly. Well I had posted the story plus this week's trash to treasure on my facebook & one of my friends thought that I had turned my IUD from trash into treasure, lol. That is absolutely DISGUSTING but I think it is hilarious that she wouldn't put it past me.

Ok I bought this clock at an estate sale for $1.00. My husband thought it was ugly but I liked it so it stayed. It is all plastic but is circa the 1970's. It said so on the back. I took it all apart & cleaned it & removed the wiring because it didn't work anyway & spray painted it with Heirloom White. Then I decoupaged some pretty scrapbooking paper on the face & scratched up the hands a little to make it still look old. I like it!!! The bottom that has stars on it is our last name. I thought it added that personal touch to it!!!


And After:I am going to repaint the 9. You can't see it & I thought you would be able too. :(

Check out other Trash to Treasures!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Nicki, I'm loving your project! I think the reason why you're having trouble linking is because the window post is last week's T to T. I'm working on today's, but haven't got it up yet! I'll leave another comment here when I do so that you can link up. thanks!